Best Coding Languages To Learn in 2021

A curated list of best and few free languages to learn coding in 2021

hani mhanna
9 min readJan 26, 2021

Hello guys, If you are like me, who thinks coding is the future of the next generations and going to really took off in 2021, and looking for some excellent online courses to learn coding in 2021, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best languages to learn coding in 2021 from free websites and you-tubers, but before going into that, let’s see what coding is and why everyone is so excited about it.

Coding is a skill where you take instructions (the steps in a task) and translate it into a language the computer understands since computers do not communicate like humans. They communicate in a language called BINARY and it is uses 0’s and 1’s. Coders write the instructions using a programming language.

How can you decide what the most popular coding language is? It’s like trying to pick the most popular ice cream flavor — everyone has a favorite. The truth is that different coders prefer different coding languages for different reasons, and just when you think you can say a single coding language reigns supreme, a new one crops up, or an older one becomes relevant for a new application.

1-Best Languages For Web Development

Web programming languages can be used to define complex logical instructions and processes. While markup languages such as HTML can only be used to generate documents, you can use programming languages to create programs of any size to meet your needs. So what programming languages are especially good for use with the web? What are they used for? Which languages are the most versatile, and which are fairly easy for novice programmers to learn can be found in our article on learning to code. This overview of web development languages will answer these questions.

1) Python

For people just starting out with computer science in 2021, and even for those with some experience with this language, Python is something every programmer should be comfortable with. This language offers an intuitive and easy-to-learn syntax that makes it a popular choice among beginners and professionals alike. The beauty of Python is that it is extremely versatile, as it can almost be used anywhere. Whether you want to work on some back-end application of a website or mobile application, or you want to on some data science-related work, Python is critical to these tasks and many more. Python is the preferred language in the areas of machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and other data science fields. Data science is the hottest topic these days, as businesses and companies are now extracting insights from data analysis and using that to further grow their markets.

2) JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used languages, as it is considered the standard programming language of the web. It is used in almost every website you have seen on the Internet. JavaScript provides a syntax that allows it to be used in both the front-end and back-end sections of websites, showing the flexibility and power that it possesses. In addition to HTML and CSS, JavaScript offers a way that allows users to not only develop and design their websites but also make their websites more dynamic by adding functionalities to the elements present in the site. Moreover, Javascript is also the fundamental language used in web frameworks, such as React, Vue , and Node, making it the undisputed king in the web development department. Websites that you regularly visit, such as Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia, were all created using JavaScript.

3) Java

Java is another immensely popular programming language that, albeit being one of the oldest languages out there, is still highly in-demand. Java is often used in the work of large organizations. It is also widely used in Android development, which, considering the popularity that Android applications have garnered, makes Java a highly sought-after skill to have. Due to Java’s scalability, strong memory allocation, and high performance, companies like Amazon, Twitter, and Adobe are a few names that come under the list of users of this programming language, along with a million other repositories that can be found at GitHub.

4) PHP

Despite the huge popularity that languages like Python and JavaScript have garnered in backend development, PHP is still going strong and continues to be used by large companies, including Facebook, Yahoo, and Wikipedia. There remains a huge demand for PHP developers in the market, as many websites (particularly WordPress) around the web are running using PHP as their baseline. Therefore, PHP is still a great choice as a language to learn in 2021.

Best Languages For Mobile development


Ever since Google launched the stable version of Flutter, developers can’t contain the excitement of how this SDK will be the future of mobile app development. Flutter has made mobile development much easier for developers. Flutter was developed by Google to assist ambient computing. It is now used by the top tech companies such as Reflectly , Grab, Groupon, Philips, eBay. Apart from these companies, there are many startups who are launching their business like Uber for x services, On-demand ventures, etc built with Flutter. Many developers are confident in saying Flutter would be the future of mobile app development.


React Native is a framework that builds a hierarchy of UI components to build the JavaScript code. It has a set of components for both iOS and Android platforms to build a mobile application with a native look and feel. React Native seems to be a viable solution for building high-quality apps in a short time with the same performance and user-experience standards that native apps provide.

3) C++

Since C++ is a high-level language that will teach you the basics of object-oriented programming, it’s a good idea to learn it. It’s also the language used to build most big console and Windows games. C++ is complemented by C in these games, and assembly languages for creating low-level engine modules. C++ is by no means an easy language to learn. But it can be rewarding, not only because C++ games are easy to distribute across various platforms, but also because you can quickly learn C# and other object-oriented languages if you already know C++.

3) C#

The benefit of C# lies in its XNA framework. This is a set of tools and runtime environment by Microsoft, which makes it particularly suitable for games on the Xbox, or Windows platforms. But if you were to compare C# with C++, you’d realize that C++ gives you a lot of control over parameters, memory management, etc. This kind of control adds another dimension to the performance and user experience of your game. C#, on the other hand, is like running a car on automatic. In a game engine like Unity, C# is the language that you code in, but the engine has C++ at its core. In a sense, you have to work within the framework, using the components that have been created for you. So, using a game engine can be limiting in a way, since all games on the engine will look and feel similar.

2-Best sites that will teach you coding at a low cost, even free

1) Code academy

One of the most popular free places to learn coding is Code academy. In fact, more than 45 million people have already learned how to code through this educational company’s engaging experience. At Code Academy, you can dive right in and take courses that teach you everything from HTML & CSS, JavaScript and SQL to Bash/Shell, Python, Ruby and C++.

2) Coursera

Founded in 2012, Coursera has grown into a major for-profit educational-technology company that has offered more than 1,000 courses from 119 institutions. While you can pay for certain programs to receive a certificate, there are a number of free introductory programming courses in various specializations from universities such as the University of Washington, Stanford, the University of Toronto and Vanderbilt.

3) edX

EdX is another leading online-learning platform that is open source instead of for-profit. It was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, so you know that you’ll learn about cutting-edge technologies and theories. Today, edX includes 53 schools. You probably can’t go wrong with the free Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University.

4) Udemy

Founded in 2010, Udemy is an online learning platform that can be used as a way to improve or learn job skills. While there are courses you have to pay for, there are plenty of free programming courses, which are taught via video lessons, such as Programming for Entrepreneurs — teaching Django- the #1 Python Frameworks, APIs, HTML, CSS, + Payments.

5) AGupieWare

AGupieWare is an independent app developer that surveyed computer-science programs from some of the leading institutions in the U.S. It then created a similar curriculum based on the free courses offered by Stanford, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Berkeley and Columbia. The program was then broken into 15 courses: three introductory classes, seven core classes and five electives. While you won’t actually receive academic credit, this is a perfect introductory program for prospective computer programmers.

6) GitHub

Sometimes, you need to recall a reference book when you’re stuck on a problem. That’s GitHub, where the site says, over 31 million developers collaborate to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Many programming languages are used here and a Coding Camp teaches the basics.

7) Code Avengers

Based out of New Zealand, Code Avengers provides fun and interactive programming lessons for kids 5 to 14; for schoolteachers wanting to teach coding; for people going into coding professionally; and for creators ages 15 and up. Also offered are one- to three-day “code camps” for students up to 17. These day camps are located in multiple states — and foreign countries. Courses focus on game design, C++, HTML, Python and more and they’re available in multiple languages.

8) Khan Academy

Created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan, Khan Academy is one of the original free online-learning institutions. With step-by-step video tutorials, you can learn how to program drawings, animations and games using JavaScript and ProcessingJS, or learn how to create webpages with HTML and CSS. See, especially, Khan’s “Hour of Code,” designed to introduce students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.

9) Free Food Camp

Here you’ll learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Databases, React.js, Node.js, and others by networking and joining this nonprofit’s community of professionals and students. You’ll even work together on your coding skills so that you can build apps for free. Here’s the catch: You’re learning those skills and building helps to help solve real-world problems. Code is available to nonprofits.

-Final Thoughts

There are plenty of languages to choose from, and as you’ve seen from this list, many are recent. While some are objectively better than others for specific tasks, most serve a good purpose for someone. If you want to learn the most popular coding language of 2021, you first have to decide what you want from learning a coding language.

It’s always good to stay on top of trends and make sure you’re at the top of your coding game, no matter where you sit. More than 70% of developers at all levels of professionalism learn a new coding skill at least once a year. Why not start 2021 right and prioritize your future skill set with one of these most popular coding languages of 2021? This list will help you choose the one(s) you can start with.

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hani mhanna

I have a great passion for learning and working in programming and teaching people what I learn